Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's life for me…

Ahoy Mateys! How did you celebrate “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”?

I told everyone at work about the day and explained why I would not be watching the new Pirate movie coming out (its rated ARRRR). One individual gave me specific instructions, NOT to answer the phone like a pirate. That put only a slight damper on the day as nothing was said about typing in “pirate” for e-mails 🙂

I learned that my pirate name is “Frosty Cash” and I am currently listening to my most piratey music (no that is not music that I pirated…its the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack).

For a parting thought remember that “Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold, Mate”

Now I am off to go swab the deck (clean my room) and after that, i believe I might just commandeer the couch as well as the TV.

***Frosty Cash’s favorite pirate phrase: “What say ye? Aye!”***


Filed under favorite, pirates

7 responses to “Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's life for me…

  1. Anonymous

    Hello! I was just searching through random blogs and yours caught my attention. Yes, I did celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day today! haha Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?A?: R?A: No, ’tis Aye!Sorry, I couldn’t resist. 🙂 Have a good one!

  2. Katie B

    Deb- Very funny – you have such interesting thoughts in that head of yours!I wish I had known it was talk like a pirate day, It would have been quite fun. When is talk like a parrot day? That might be fun too.

  3. Crystal

    Debra You are hilarious and I am very sad that I missed pirate day! I need to get a better calendar with important dates on it. My favorite pirate joke is the one about the Captain and the Red Shirt. I can’t tell it on your blog because it has actions and you need to do the pirate voice. Arrrrgh Matey!! Get me my red shirt *giggle*

  4. sauerkraut81

    As your resident pop culture diva, I am filled with great dismay to learn there’s a new pirate movie coming out of which I am caught unawares. Is this another J. Depp flick? What’s happening here?

  5. Deb

    There is no pirate movie coming out. It is a joke 🙂 (pirate talk – “Arrr” Like it is rated R) BUT there are two more pirates of the caribbean movies coming out starting next year. The first of which comes out 7/7/06. I believe it will be called “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest”

  6. sauerkraut81

    Maximus Awesomeus! (How’s that for some rawkin’ Latin?) I heart Johnny D. And, surprisingly (b/c it’s Disney), I really enjoyed the 1st “Pirate…”. In fact, I purchased it from my local big box national chain multimedia retailer.

  7. sauerkraut81

    You can generate other awesome aliases here:http://www.blogthings.com/meganames/

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